Chapter 12 status

This status replaces the old status of chapter 12, because that thing was 8 years old. Today is march 18th 2020.

Many years have passed, since the birth, chugging along and eventual entropic demise of the Let’s Play StarCraft site. Some very unexpected recent interest made me dig up the old images from an ancient hard drive, and put them back up. I guess something changed in the past 10 years to break the Dropbox links.

When I put the images back up I noticed that the WordPress theme is too narrow and it crops them. I tried to edit the CSS directly but this functionality is hidden behind a paywall. I remember this exact problem from ten years ago! This site is like a wormhole of insanity.

So, using a new theme and as far as I know all the old content is available. It feels pretty good, being back here. Since I have all the old files and StarCraft is still installed on my computer (because I honor history) I may take a look at that Chapter 12 sometime. I feel like the time of promises has long passed, but it’ll be here if it arrives.

—old status—

Finally, FINALLY, I managed to get through mission 9. I probably achieved the “mission failed, idiot!” screen about sixteen times, after sending a cloaked Kerrigan deep into enemy territory and then completely forgetting about her, with the predictable result of her decloaking in the middle of a Protoss murder-rave, and getting quite efficiently brutalized. Bleh. Spoiler alert: This mission is all about the Protoss-killing.

Screenshots: Done.

Photoshop: 28/69

Writing: Done.